
Belgian Hot Chocolate Sugarfree

Rs. 299.00 Rs. 399.00

Cacao is not just a food, it's a 'Superfood'. The cacao bean has always been and will always be nature's #1 weight loss and high-energy delicacy. Cacao beans are probably the best-kept secret in the entire history of food. In a world full of heavily processed, adulterated food products, Zevic brings to you unsweetened Cocoa Powder, 100% chemical-free. We procure the finest beans, exquisitely harvested with love and care. All our beans are lightly roasted to perfection in order to retain the natural flavonoids and polyphenols and to do away with the antinutrients. They are probably the kind of superfood who are the richest in antioxidants. It is rich in magnesium as well. Moreover, it's a perfect choice for diabetics as it can effectively enhance glucose metabolism. It contains phenylethylamine (PEA) which is known to stimulate happy sensations. Zevic's unsweetened Cocoa Powder can literally make you happier.


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